The Compleat Gentleman
Brad Miner, “The Compleat Gentleman: The Modern Man’s Guide to Chivalry”, Richard Vigilante Books, 2009.
“The matter remains unsettled to this day and forms the basis for disputes between “liberals” and “conservatives”; between those whose preference is for democracy and those who believe in republicanism; between men who think mankind is perfectible and those who are certain that man is fallen.” (p. 85)
“All Emerson’s incessant tongue wagging about individuality really adds up to a ruthless selfishness that willingly tramples any tradition he finds inimical to his own pleasure.” (p. 86)
“Those who say life is worth living at any cost have already written themselves an epitaph of infamy, for there is no cause and no person they will not betray to stay alive.” (Sidney Hook, p. 103)
“…the chivalrous man – no matter how much Stoic detachment he practices – cannot justify inaction, non-resistance, pacifism.” (p. 188)
“…it’s one thing to defend the rights of the boor and the pornographer, quite another to dignify discourtesy and obscenity as valid “choices.” (p. 243)